Welcome to Body Banter, a podcast where we explore different perspectives of the human body in all its forms! Our hosts, Dr. Claudia Krebs and Dr. Segun Oyedele, are joined by an amazing line up of guests to share their expertise and thoughts about what the human body means to them. Our guests come from all over the world and include researchers, clinicians, anatomy instructors, scholars of language and culture, and people with lived experiences navigating the healthcare system. Anatomy is for everybody and every body, and we are here to get the body banter going!

Body Banter Title Image

#16  |  Michelle Turner:  Pregnancy and the Body - A Midwife’s Perspective

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16 March 2023 | 45:37
This week, Michelle Turner joins us to talk about her work as a Registered Midwife and PhD student. We discuss the remarkable transformation the human body undergoes during pregnancy, why it’s important for clinicians (and everyone) to question our history and approach to providing healthcare, and how midwifery can be leveraged to address equity issues in the healthcare system.

#15  |  Bailey Lo:  How to Make Medical Education Trauma-Informed… With Your Cervix

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28 February 2023 | 41:40
Our guest this week is someone from within the Body Banter team... our very own Bee! Bailey (Bee) Lo is the coordinator for Body Banter and she’s coming out from behind the scenes to talk to Claudia and Segun about her work as a Clinical Teaching Associate, where she teaches medical students how to perform pelvic and breast exams using her own body. We talk about the power of vulnerability in health education, how traumatic clinical encounters can have lasting impact on individuals, and why creating safe spaces for learning in turn create safe spaces for patients. Before you listen, be aware that this episode of Body Banter contains description of a traumatic pelvic exam and health care encounter.

#14  |  Kriota Willberg:  The Power of Comics in Medicine

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14 February 2023 | 50:38
In this week’s episode, graphic medicine cartoonist and Artist In Residence in The Master Scholars Program in Humanistic Medicine at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, Kriota Willberg, joins us to share her experience working with and teaching about the human body in many capacities. We cover her journey to becoming a cartoonist, the value of play and jokes in her work, and her thoughts on how to present graphic medicine—especially when the topics are difficult to reckon with.

#13  |  Tessa & Sean McWatt:  "An Anatomy of Race and Belonging"

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01 February 2023 | 44:53
Today marks the start of Black History Month and to celebrate Black contributions to anatomy we are excited to share this week's episode with Tessa McWatt and Sean McWatt. In this episode, we talk about storytelling, the anatomy of racial identity, and a sense of belonging in a fractured world. Tessa is the author of the book Shame on Me: An Anatomy of Race and Belonging and Professor of Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia. Sean is a Professor of Anatomy at Western University and founding member of Black in Anatomy—and he's also Tessa's nephew!

#12  |  Jeffrey Laitman:  What’s So Special About the Human Larynx?

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18 January 2023 | 44:09
To continue this month’s discussion about comparative anatomy of the head and neck, Jeff Laitman joins us this week to *talk* about the larynx and what makes our voice box different from other primates’. Professor Laitman takes us on a journey, starting with the inspiration to pursue a lifetime of anatomical inquiry originating from a troupe of mischievous monkeys, all the way to the wonder of how our own bodies change through different stages of life. Before you listen, be aware that this episode contains brief discussion of sudden infant death syndrome.

#11  |  Wayne Vogl:  We’re More Closely Related to Whales Than You Think

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09 January 2023 | 36:54
For our first episode of 2023, Professor Emeritus Wayne Vogl joins us to discuss the similarities and differences between whale and human anatomy of the head and neck, as well as how the study of comparative anatomy enables us to better understand the evolutionary history of vertebrate anatomy. Dr. Vogl is co-author of several of the well-known Gray’s Anatomy textbooks and spent many years as director of the UBC Gross Anatomy program.

#10  |  Gordon Findlater & Leena Alkhammash:  Tales from the Edinburgh Anatomy Department

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13 December 2022 | 32:13
On this week’s episode of Body Banter, PhD student Leena Alkhammash and her former graduate supervisor Professor Emeritus Gordon Findlater reconnect to talk about how they fell in love with teaching anatomy. With Claudia, they discuss the value of human body donation programs to anatomy education program and their immense gratitude for the donors themselves.

#9  |  Michelle Lazarus:  Embryology is the Origin Story of Adult Anatomy

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29 November 2022 | 40:13
This week, Dr. Michelle Lazarus joins Claudia and Segun to discuss the topic all anatomists love to hate: embryology! Michelle talks about why thinking about embryology as the story of how adult anatomy came to be is a more effective and approachable way of learning anatomical structures. We discuss how when we learn about anatomy, we are learning about ourselves, as well as how important it is to have an inclusive language and understanding of our bodies.

#8  |  Ben Haseen:  The Nuances of Transgender Health

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15 November 2022 | 36:45
On this week’s episode of Body Banter, Ben Haseen joins Segun and Claudia to share his perspective on the nuances of transgender health and lived experience as a South Asian trans man. Ben is in his final year of medical school and is passionate about trans health advocacy and health disparities research, using his YouTube platform to create trans and queer health education resources.
November 13-19 is Transgender Awareness Week which leads up to Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20th. We are honoured to be able to learn from Ben about trans health and share his story this week, but acknowledge that trans health is important every week of the year.

#7  |  Leonard Shapiro:  Deep Observation of the Human Body

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01 November 2022 | 38:18
This week on Body Banter, Leonard Shapiro joins us to discuss how art and observation through touch can be used to develop a deeper understanding of anatomy. Leonard developed and teaches the Haptico-visual observation and drawing (HVOD) method to medical students in Cape Town, South Africa as well as to learners around the world virtually.

The Hosts

Claudia Krebs

Claudia Krebs

Dr. Claudia Krebs, MD, PhD, has been teaching neuroanatomy and gross anatomy to MD undergraduates, biomedical engineering and allied health professions at UBC for over a decade. She focuses on integrating technology and novel visual approaches in the classroom, particularly with AR and VR. In 2017, Dr. Krebs created the HIVE (Hackspace for Innovation and Visualization in Education), a multidisciplinary space for innovation in biomedical education, such as the creation of educational xR apps. Along with local and global collaborators, Dr. Krebs is creating a library of open educational resources, including videos, e-books and interactive web materials.

Olusegun Oyedele

Olusegun Oyedele

Dr. Olusegun Oyedele, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Teaching in the UBC Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences, as well as in the UBC Faculty of Medicine, Southern Medical Program (SMP), at the UBC Okanagan campus in Kelowna, BC. He also teaches and oversees the case-based learning curriculum at SMP. Over the past decade, Dr. Oyedele has taught anatomy and all its subdisciplines to pre-clerkship students in the UBC MD Undergraduate Program. His research focuses on medical education, particularly on small group learning pedagogies, and on how case-based learning equips medical students for clinical decision-making during clerkship and beyond.


Do you want to appear on Body Banter, or have an interesting idea for a podcast? We'd love to hear from you!