Welcome to Body Banter, a podcast where we explore different perspectives of the human body in all its forms! Our hosts, Dr. Claudia Krebs and Dr. Segun Oyedele, are joined by an amazing line up of guests to share their expertise and thoughts about what the human body means to them. Our guests come from all over the world and include researchers, clinicians, anatomy instructors, scholars of language and culture, and people with lived experiences navigating the healthcare system. Anatomy is for everybody and every body, and we are here to get the body banter going!

Body Banter Title Image

#8  |  Ben Haseen:  The Nuances of Transgender Health

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15 November 2022 | 36:45
On this week’s episode of Body Banter, Ben Haseen joins Segun and Claudia to share his perspective on the nuances of transgender health and lived experience as a South Asian trans man. Ben is in his final year of medical school and is passionate about trans health advocacy and health disparities research, using his YouTube platform to create trans and queer health education resources.
November 13-19 is Transgender Awareness Week which leads up to Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20th. We are honoured to be able to learn from Ben about trans health and share his story this week, but acknowledge that trans health is important every week of the year.

#7  |  Leonard Shapiro:  Deep Observation of the Human Body

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01 November 2022 | 38:18
This week on Body Banter, Leonard Shapiro joins us to discuss how art and observation through touch can be used to develop a deeper understanding of anatomy. Leonard developed and teaches the Haptico-visual observation and drawing (HVOD) method to medical students in Cape Town, South Africa as well as to learners around the world virtually.

#6  |  Melissa Carroll:  Where Are The Anatomists Who Look Like Me?

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18 October 2022 | 33:58
It’s Black in Anatomy’s 2nd anniversary this week! To celebrate this amazing organization and movement that amplifies Black contributions to the anatomical sciences, we are honoured to have Dr. Melissa Carroll, Founder of Black in Anatomy, join us on Body Banter. Melissa, Claudia, and Segun chat about what it means to be an “expert” in a field that we still don’t know everything about, how a tolerance for ambiguity is key as an educator, and why it’s important to have diverse representation and BIPOC mentors in anatomy.

#5  |  Lori Brotto:  Words Matter - How Inaccurate Anatomy Impacts Sex Education

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04 October 2022 | 42:46
This week on Body Banter, Claudia, Segun and Dr. Lori Brotto share their three different experiences with sex education and chat about why accurate and non-judgmental sex ed is so important. We dive into the impact of shame-based language surrounding sex and sexual health, as well as discuss where pleasure exists in the body and the mind.

#4  |  Sue Black:  Anatomy is Also a Responsibility

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21 September 2022 | 52:23
Professor Dame Sue Black joins Claudia and Segun this week on Body Banter to chat about her incredible career in forensic anthropology and anatomy. She discusses her work investigating war crimes, as well as her research in forensic recognition using hand vein patterns - which has directly contributed to the conviction of over 30 child abusers. Before you listen, be aware that this episode of Body Banter contains discussion of sexual assault, child abuse, and violence.

#3  |  Stephen Gillis:  You're Going to Need a Transplant - Now What?

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01 June 2022 | 31:57
On this week’s episode we are joined by Stephen Gillis, a media producer and kidney transplant recipient. We discuss what it means to live in a body that turns against you, what it’s like being on the receiving end of patient care during a medical emergency, how exercise and community are true game changers when it comes to recovery, and gratitude for our bodies and organ donors.

#2  |  Jamie Chapman & Jenna Usprech:  A Histologist and a Biomedical Engineer Walk into a Bar...

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26 April 2022 | 48:58
This week on Body Banter, Claudia and Segun meet with two amazing guests, Dr. Jamie Chapman and Dr. Jenna Usprech, to talk about the original builders of the human body—cells and tissues. We get poetic about what can be seen under the microscope and the importance of science communication.

#1  |  Welcome to Body Banter

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25 April 2022 | 30:30
Join us in our first episode of Body Banter and meet our hosts, Dr. Claudia Krebs and Dr. Segun Oyedele. Claudia and Segun talk about their individual journeys to becoming anatomy educators, why they love the human body, and why they think everyone else should be just as excited about the body as they are!

The Hosts

Claudia Krebs

Claudia Krebs

Dr. Claudia Krebs, MD, PhD, has been teaching neuroanatomy and gross anatomy to MD undergraduates, biomedical engineering and allied health professions at UBC for over a decade. She focuses on integrating technology and novel visual approaches in the classroom, particularly with AR and VR. In 2017, Dr. Krebs created the HIVE (Hackspace for Innovation and Visualization in Education), a multidisciplinary space for innovation in biomedical education, such as the creation of educational xR apps. Along with local and global collaborators, Dr. Krebs is creating a library of open educational resources, including videos, e-books and interactive web materials.

Olusegun Oyedele

Olusegun Oyedele

Dr. Olusegun Oyedele, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Teaching in the UBC Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences, as well as in the UBC Faculty of Medicine, Southern Medical Program (SMP), at the UBC Okanagan campus in Kelowna, BC. He also teaches and oversees the case-based learning curriculum at SMP. Over the past decade, Dr. Oyedele has taught anatomy and all its subdisciplines to pre-clerkship students in the UBC MD Undergraduate Program. His research focuses on medical education, particularly on small group learning pedagogies, and on how case-based learning equips medical students for clinical decision-making during clerkship and beyond.


Do you want to appear on Body Banter, or have an interesting idea for a podcast? We'd love to hear from you!